quinta-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2018

Nintendo Switch travando na tela inicial - Como resolver (How to fix NS freezing on logo screen)

Salve amigos do canal O Grande Chico!
Resolvi fazer este vídeo com o método que utizei para destravar meu Nintendo Switch, que ficou por dias travado na tela inicial, mais precisamente na tela do logo do Nintendo Switch.

Se o seu Nintendo Switch apresentou o mesmo problema que o meu e você utilizou esse método, deixe seu relato nos comentários.


How to solve this problem (stuck on the nintendo switch logo screen)
1- First, turn on the Nintendo Switch and wait for it to freeze on the Nintendo Switch logo screen
2- Wait for 8 hours (estimated time) until to discharge the battery.
3- Put the Nintendo Switch in the dockstation and wait for 20 minutes.
4- After 20 minutes, remove the Nintendo Switch from the dockstation and check the charging. At that point, in my case, when I removed my Nintendo Switch, it was on the main screen. So, I didn't need to turn on the Nintendo Switch, it unlocked itself and went back to working as if nothing had happened.
5- Wait to complete the recharge.

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